You’re Making a Difference

Ensuring access to essential, life-saving care and equipment, and excellence in patient care. For our family, friends and neighbours, for everyone in our incredible, tight knit community. That’s why you give. That’s what motivates the community. And that’s why we’re here.

We Count on Each Other

Access to essential, life-saving care and equipment, and excellent patient care is made possible thanks to donors and volunteers. Your generosity provides the best possible care in three primary ways

Smiling girl in hospital holding teddy bear

Stories of heart

" I wasn't prepared for how long it takes to heal the brain -- it truly is a marathon, not a sprint. "

Thank you doesn't even capture how much I appreciate every person's compassion, support and willingness to go above and beyond for me.

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Alicia and Chris

Lasting, Local Impact

Every day patients and family members experience the essential, life-saving care provided at St Thomas Elgin General Hospital - which means every day, donors and volunteers are impacting lives. These insights are just a small glimpse into the impact last year.

Pieces of medical equipment purchased

This life-saving equipment ensured that patients in our community received the care they need, when it was needed most.

Donations made

Contributing to capital, infrastructure, and education for our hospital in 2021, showing once again just how caring the St. Thomas Elgin community is.

Patient admissions in 2021

Your support means these patients got the care they need close to home.

Hospital Equipment
Medical Bursary
Staff Training
Staff Wellness

Making Heartfelt Care Happen

When we count on each other, we make great things happen. Here’s how over $1,000,000 of your gifts were invested last year:

Hospital Equipment | 96.8%
Medical Bursary | 0.555%
Staff Training | 0.782%
Staff Wellness | 1.8%
Our Donors

Your Gifts Make All of the Difference.

This tight-knit community relies on each other every day and thanks to those who give their time and their funds, we’re making an impact, together.

Gifts Over TimeAnnual Report

Help provide quality, local healthcare to our community.