March 22, 2023

Announcing the "Transforming Tomorrow" Diagnostic Imaging Campaign Chair

March 22, 2023

The St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Foundation is pleased to announce Jeff Yurek as the Campaign Chair.

Picture of STEGH staff members with Diagnostic Imaging equipment

The goal of the campaign is to raise $8 million to support a new Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine, as well as enhancements to the Diagnostic Imaging Department.

As a long-standing community member, local pharmacist, and former provincial politician, Jeff Yurek spent years advocating for a new MRI machine at STEGH, so it is befitting he will lead the campaign. The campaign will also include the enhancement and expansion of the entire Diagnostic Imaging Department, making improvements to CT, nuclear medicine, x-ray and ultrasound services.

"This is an exciting time for our community! I am very proud to lead the "Transforming Tomorrow" campaign which will bring MRI technology and enhanced diagnostic imaging to STEGH. As a volunteer, donor and advocate for exceptional local health care, I know the incredible impact our hospital makes each day. This campaign will ensure more transformational care is available, close to home." - Jeff Yurek, Pharmacist, Yurek Pharmacy & Home Healthcare

"STEGH's health care teams are committed to delivering outstanding patient experiences and quality care. It is through the actions of our care teams that we are able to prepare for, and respond to, our patients' care needs in extraordinary ways. Under Jeff Yurek's leadership, the "Transforming Tomorrow" campaign will broaden the range of services available and reduce the need for patients and families to travel outside of our community. It will help us continue to attract and retain highly skilled medical professionals, keeping STEGH a leading provider of health care services." - Karen Davies, President & CEO, STEGH.

"With the support of generous and community-minded donors, the latest in MRI technology and related care will be available around the next corner, not in the next city over. It's an exciting time for our hospital as we prepare to launch the "Transforming Tomorrow" campaign. We are grateful to Jeff Yurek for embracing this special moment in time, as we transform the delivery of diagnostic imaging at our hospital." - Danial Dale, Board Chair, STEGH Foundation.

It's Time for More Transformation

Health care funding has always been a partnership between the community and provincial government because the reality is, our government-funded health care system just can't meet every need. The Ontario Government funds hospitals to approximately 90 per cent of their operating costs. The remaining 10 per cent is considered the community's share. Our hospital relies on the generosity of donors to the STEGH Foundation, to ensure our health care teams have the life-changing and life-saving tools they need to provide the best quality of care for patients.

The time to act is now. We can all be a part of our community's health care transformation. By supporting STEGH's health care teams with the latest diagnostic imaging equipment - including an MRI - we can support our families and loved ones to recover and be well, close to home.

Mary Lou Crowley signature
Mary Lou Crowley
President & CEO, STEGH Foundation
STEGH Heart Icon

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