March 10, 2023

Your Gifts in Action

March 10, 2023

A lot of the equipment our staff use daily is funded by community donations. Learn about the impact of your donations from their perspective.

This is a picture of Dr. Paul Collins, holding up one of the new scopes purchased with donor support.

Scopes for Surgical Services - $82,000

"I use this ERCP scope to diagnose and treat problems in a patient's gallbladder and bile duct. Your donations replaced older scopes. Having this equipment means patients can seek care in their community and not the next city over. Thank you!" Dr. Paul Collins, General Surgeon.

Picture of staff member with zoom stretcher in the ED.

Zoom Stretcher - $24,000

“Your donations helped purchase zoom stretchers, which benefit patients and staff. The stretchers are a comfortable bed for patients to rest on while receiving care. The stretchers also allow staff and volunteers to quickly and smoothly transport patients throughout the hospital. Thank you!” Charlene Weber, Emergency Department Assistant.

Blanket Warmer - $8,500

"Whenever I give a patient a warm blanket, it provides them with comfort at a time when they are feeling overwhelmed. Thank you for making this possible by supporting your local hospital." Abigail Polland, RPN on the 5th floor acute medical unit, with patient Bob Moore.

Portable Lifts - $42,600

"Portable lifts are an important part of a patient's recovery process. The lift provides a sense of comfort and security as the patient moves from a sitting to a standing position. It's also easy for staff to use. We appreciate it!" Julie Barton (left), RPN in Continuing Care Centre.

Mary Lou Crowley signature
Mary Lou Crowley
President & CEO, STEGH Foundation
STEGH Heart Icon

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