The Little Things that Mean So Much

When Kirk began to feel ill in November 2020, he and his wife Julia knew St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital would be there to support them.

Kirk Maltby and Julia Klob smiling and holding hands

Patient-Centred Care

When Kirk and Julia retired, they chose the St Thomas Elgin area in part because they knew about the excellent care offered at St Thomas Elgin General Hospital. This decision proved to be wise when, in November 2020, at the height of the second wave of COVD-19, Kirk began to feel very unwell with sudden fatigue and muscle aches. He immediately booked a COVID-19 test but before he could take the test, his symptoms got much worse. Given Kirk’s medical history he was sent to the STEGH Emergency Department and Julia watched him enter, alone.

Kirk was soon admitted to the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit. Even though she wasn’t able to sit by Kirk’s bedside like she would have preferred, Julia knew his entire care team was working around the clock to help Kirk become well. Julia explains,  “It really felt like everyone, from the custodians, to the nurses and the doctors, were all cheering for his recovery.” 

After a long journey and much incredible care from so many dedicated staff, Julia was able to enter the ICU, meet the staff and be reunited with a healthier Kirk. The energy and joy was electric, “I could feel the excitement in the ICU just before I walked in the room and saw Kirk wave at me for the first time,” Julia remembers.  “The same excitement happened the day Kirk was first able to speak to me too.”

“It really felt like everyone, from the custodians, to the nurses and the doctors, were all cheering for his recovery.” 

In so many ways, the ICU staff really came to feel like family to both Kirk and Julia. “This was especially meaningful given that it was during a time when extended family wasn’t able to come and visit and when the staff were taking on more than ever before,” says Julia. And that’s why even the smallest of gestures came to mean so much. 

Now, looking back on their experience at the hospital, Kirk and Julia are so thankful for the amazing care and to each donor who has given to support that care.  Julia wants each supporter to know the difference they make, “thank you for giving from your heart, to make our community hospital the best it can be!”

- Julia Klob

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